tisdag 13 september 2011

We would like to involve you readers in the blogging !
We notice that theres a whole lot of people reading and
we would love to get to know you readers!
Here's the thing:
We always give you updates about the music, releases gigs, videos, etc.
But we wonder, what else would you like us to blog about? What is your favorite thing from us to read about? Do you like when we put up pictures? Would you want to know what synthesizers we use? Producing-tips? Or maybe how we like our coffee? ;) It's time for you readers to step out and say hello and tell us who you are and what you would like to read more about. 
THE FIRST COMMENT here will be rewarded with a          
of our new song before everyone else! The only thing you have to write is your name, and what you would like us to blog more about. 

6 kommentarer:

  1. hello massive fan :) It's my fizzy pop from twitter... i'm hoping to take one of your songs to ace US DJ Larry Flick next week if that's ok :)

  2. Hello and thankyou! :) Ofcourse thats ok, cool! :) Describe a bit more please! Either here or on twitter!
    But the question.. What would you like us to blog more about? :)

  3. The Morning Jolt is a US digital radio show hosted by Larry flick ( @larryflick on twitter) who is one of the best DJs for promoting new talent :) I do a monthly guest slot taking the best of new europop music along with me. Check out his daily playlists too at http://themorningjolt.blogspot.com

    I'd love you to blog about the process behind the music, what it takes to get a song made. if you do videos, some behind the scenes stuff with that would be good. AND! clothes! Your latest fashion tips, purchases, style guidelines :)

  4. Allright ! Thats great, thankyou :) Send an email to patrik@headlockmanagement.se and continue the conversation about the radioshow there.
    Tankyou for the blogging tips! We will absolutely write more about the things you wrote here! And we need an emailadress to be able to send you the exclusive download you won!

  5. yay, am emailing Patrik now! you can email preynolds@gmx.co.uk

  6. Cool! You'll recive it as planned sundaymorning :) xx
